
I am grateful for all the work and volunteer hours you put into this! And I
appreciate the time you and others take to help us newbies. All the frustration
I was expressing (for not being able to install tidyverse) was all on me. It was
not in any way a criticism. 

Your articles are great, but waaaaay too technical for me (that particular site
of yours where I thought the solution is [1] is about 28,000 words long and has
too much jargon for me to be able to use it...). 

On the 20-second gif that you linked, I can indeed see that you install
tidyverse in 20 s, but it is all the prep work before that point that I think I
am missing (installing that "docker thing", "rocker thing", etc.).

As far as I can tell, to replicate what you did on the gif, I should first look
into installing and using docker and rocker.

Thank you again for all your help and for the sweat you and other volunteers put
into creating, maintaining, and explaining!

Best regards,


On Wed, 2024-01-03 at 14:46 -0600, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> Luben,
> We all have different types of learning and how we approach this, let alone
> how we decompose things. With that, sorry you found this frustrating.  Many
> of us put volunteer time into this trying to make things 'possible' and
> preferably 'easy' but we don't always get there.
> That said, I have shown multiple times over the last few years that the
> simple _one statement call_ of `install.packages("tidyverse")` works in r2u
> as demonstrated in a Docker container for r2u. I just 'taped' a fresh demo
> installing 103 binary packages in twenty seconds from this one command. [1]
> Myself, and many others, take advantage of that day in, day out on Ubuntu
> systems for direct work, for work in CI, for work on cloud instances, laptops
> or servers.  I am sorry that the documentaion did not work for you.  Maybe
> you can take another look and provide an issue ticket at the r2u, preferably
> short, actionable and focused (ie sending me a 200 line dump of "I did that
> and it did not work" does not help me much -- I hope you understand).  Trying
> this on Mint puts a little extra burden on you to find and overcome
> differences. Again, sorry this did not pan out but glad to know you have it
> installed from source.
> Cheers, Dirk
> [1]
> https://eddelbuettel.github.io/images/2024-01-03/tidyverse_in_20s_2024-01-03_14-38.gif

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