Hi Simon,
I have been attempting a similar thing as you, but using the glsm.krige 
function, without success. From what i can work out the the 
output.glm.control() settings are sent to the .cond.sim function from 
geoR, which is doing something different to what you are after (I 
believe). I have had a brief look at the binom.krige.bayes function, and 
it appears the median of the values is performed within the sub function 
.pred.quan.aux function on the first line

temp.med <- apply(temp.pred$mean, 1, median)

I assume that it would be possible for you to adjust this function to 
get it to do what you want, but i am unsure about that, as i have been 
using the glsm.krige function.

If you try to re-run your code with a smaller prediction grid (50 
points), the output.glm.control function will most likely work for you, 
however i have waited over a day for 8000 points with no luck.


On 25/11/10 00:04, O'Hanlon, Simon J wrote:
> Dear List,
> I have been using geoRglm to perform spatial prediction in the binomial-logit 
> spatial model.
> I have been able to produce maps of some predicted volumetric quantity 
> (prevalence) over a wide geographic area (2385km * 1375km in 131,175 5km 
> cells) , using covariates in the fixed part of the model. Using the function 
> binom.krige.bayes produces output which includes an estimate of the 
> predictive median for each cell in the map. This is specified when setting 
> 'inference=TRUE' in the control function called 'output.glm.control' which is 
> called by binom.krige.bayes.
> However the median is only one map of the posterior distribution of the 
> estimated quantity. I want to look at some of the other maps, including the 
> mean map of the predicted. In order to do this I need to get the posterior 
> prediction of the prevalence for each map cell for each iteration of the 
> simulation. Then for each cell I can calculate the mean etc. In order to do 
> this there is a TRUE/FALSE switch called 'sim.predict' in the control 
> function 'output.glm.control'. When set to false you simply return the 
> predictive median. When set to TRUE you should return the values of the 
> predictied quantity for each iteration of the model. When I set this to true 
> RGui crashes with no warning or error messages (even when verbose mode is 
> turned on). R is not using it vector or stack heaps, and I am only using 8GB 
> out of 16GB of system ram. Also the table which should be dimensioned to hold 
> the predictions is well inside the limits placed by R (i.e. a table with less 
> than 2^31-1 elemen!
>   ). I am running 150,000 iterations of a model , predicting over 131,175 map 
> cells, and I have thinning set to 100 (to minimise autocorrelation between 
> simulations), so I should be recording 1500 simulation results (150,000 / 
> 100).
> Has this problem happened to anybody else and does anybody know of another 
> way to record the predictive posterior draws of the simulations?
> Much obliged and sorry if I have not used appropriate jargon in places - I am 
> relatively new to this.
> Cheers,
> Simon
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