I would personally go with whichever one has the most updates in the Repo and 
is most recent, both can be monkey patched to do exactly what you want, but you 
certainly don't want to work with dead outdated source. :P
From: radiant-boun...@radiantcms.org [radiant-boun...@radiantcms.org] On Behalf 
Of John Polling [j...@theusualsuspect.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:36 AM
To: radiant@radiantcms.org
Subject: [Radiant] Extensions with imagery

I'm currently working on a Staff Directory extension at the moment and
one of the fields for the admin form requires a profile image.  I'm
hoping to allow admin staff to pick an image from an assets library.
Is the best extension for this work the Paperclipped extension? Or
should I just look at using form.file_filed?


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