On Oct 26, 2011, at 8:57 AM, Jens Dueholm Christensen (JEDC) wrote:

> Hi
> We’ve been hit rather badly by errors very similar these: 
> http://bugs.caucho.com/view.php?id=3509 during the last few days where we’ve 
> had to restart Resin several time a day.
> A lot of threads are blocked on the same object at 
> com.caucho.server.log.AccessLog.log(AccessLog.java:345). I could attach a 
> stacktrace, but it’s _very_ similar to those in mantis bug #3509.
> Our app just stalls on accepting incomming connections while threads and 
> other services within the VM continue to run just fine.
> We are still on Resin Pro 3.1 (somewhere between 3.1.10 and 3.1.11 as we’ve 
> been using a special build to alliviate another bug that’s not listed in the 
> 3.1.11 changelog) – any chance of a backport of the fixes to the 3.1 branch 
> and a new version – or just a nightly build with the fix?

Hi Jens,

We're generally only fixing critical bugs in Resin 3.1 branch, but I've created 
a backport request for bug 3509 for tracking purposes.


Please monitor the issue.  If we won't fix it we'll mark it as such.


> Regards,
> Jens Dueholm Christensen 
> Survey IT
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Caucho Technology

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