
I’m just starting out with robinhood. I have gotten it setup and done an 
initial scan and can do the various rbh commands just fine. My problem is with 
setting up any of the actions or policies…I can’t seem to get any of them to 
work. One thing I’d really like to do is have an alert when the use of the 
filesystem goes over a certain percentage. I’ve followed the instructions here: 
<https://github.com/cea-hpc/robinhood/wiki/How-to-setup-quota-alerts> and I’ve 
fiddled with adding alert_trigger blocks in my config, but nothing ever gets 
sent to any of the logs. Right now our filesystem is sitting at 80% usage and I 
setup the purge trigger for alerting on 50% usage. But alas I’m not getting any 
alerts. Here are system specs and config file:

[root@tillit robinhood.d]# robinhood --version

Product:         robinhood
Version:         3.0-1
Build:           2016-12-02 13:57:02

Compilation switches:
    Lustre filesystems
    Lustre Version: 2.8
    Address entries by FID
    MDT Changelogs supported

Database binding: MySQL

Here’s my config file:

# include template for alerts
%include "includes/alerts.inc"
# include template for checksuming
%include "includes/check.inc"

define_policy list_ricky {
     status_manager = none;
     scope { owner == 'ricky' }
     default_action = cmd("ls {fullpath} >> /tmp/ricky_ls.out");
     default_lru_sort_attr = none;

list_ricky_rules {
    rule default {
        condition { creation > 15w }

Purge_Trigger {
    # this quota applies to the entire filesystem
    trigger_on         = global_usage;
    high_threshold_pct = 50;
    check_interval     = 1m;
    alert_high = yes;

Purge_Trigger {
    # this quota applies to the OSTs
    trigger_on         = OST_usage;
    high_threshold_pct = 92;
    check_interval     = 1h;
    alert_high = yes;

alert_rules {
    ignore { last_mod < 1h }

    rule default {
        action = none;
        action_params { alert = clear; }
        condition = true;

alert_trigger {
    trigger_on         = periodic;
    check_interval = 1h;

#### fileclass definitions ####

# fileclasses to display in reports (can still be used in policies)
FileClass empty_files {
    definition { type == file and size == 0 }
    # report = yes (default)
FileClass small_files {
    definition { type == file and size > 0 and size <= 16MB }
    # report = yes (default)
FileClass std_files {
    definition { type == file and size > 16MB and size <= 1GB }
FileClass big_files {
    definition { type == file and size > 1GB }

#FileClass largedir {
#    definition { type == directory and dircount > 10000 }

#### end policy rules ####

General {
    fs_path = "/scratch";
    # filesystem type, as displayed by 'mount' (e.g. ext4, xfs, lustre, ...)
    fs_type = lustre;

EntryProcessor {
    nb_threads = 32;
    STAGE_GET_INFO_FS_threads_max = 16;

Log {
    debug_level = EVENT;
    log_file = "/var/log/robinhood/robinhood.log";
    report_file = "/var/log/robinhood/robinhood_actions.log";
    alert_file = "/var/log/robinhood/robinhood_alerts.log";
    alert_show_attrs = yes;

ListManager {
    MySQL {
        server = localhost;
        db = robinhood_lustre;
        user = robinhood;
        password_file = /etc/robinhood.d/.dbpassword;

# Lustre 2.x only
ChangeLog {
    MDT {
        mdt_name = "MDT0000";
        reader_id = "cl1";
    polling_interval = 1s;

My /etc/sysconfig/robinhood file is set to run —readlog —check-thresholds, per 
the instructions.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


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