
ever since I started logging to a UDS from my nginx I get the occasional 111 in my nginx error logs. As I literally don't have any other information or log entries I honestly do not know how to debug this. The thing is requests one second, or a few seconds later are processed totally fine, so it cannot be a general problem, nor a access problem or a permission problem.
I would be glad if anyone could help on fixing this

error.log:2023/09/17 02:41:59 [error] 346192#346192: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket error.log:2023/09/17 02:41:59 [error] 346191#346191: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket error.log:2023/09/17 02:52:19 [error] 346192#346192: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket error.log:2023/09/17 04:09:44 [error] 346193#346193: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket error.log:2023/09/17 04:09:45 [error] 346185#346185: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket error.log:2023/09/17 04:20:20 [error] 346186#346186: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket error.log:2023/09/17 06:20:01 [error] 346182#346182: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket error.log:2023/09/17 08:32:35 [error] 346182#346182: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket error.log:2023/09/17 08:32:35 [error] 346188#346188: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket error.log:2023/09/17 09:34:34 [error] 346183#346183: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket error.log:2023/09/17 09:34:35 [error] 346183#346183: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket error.log:2023/09/17 16:00:25 [error] 346187#346187: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while logging to syslog, server: unix:/var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket

configuration for this single use case, of course there is a lot more in rsyslog.conf
$AddUnixListenSocket /var/cache/nginx/rsyslog.socket

$template app,"%msg:2:$%"

if $programname == "app" then {

The script app_log.sh does simply
echo "${@}" | /usr/bin/python <python_script>

Many thanks

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