With this code (follow up of 
from sage.matrix.matrix_mod2_dense import Matrix_mod2_dense
from sage.matrix.matrix_gf2e_dense import Matrix_gf2e_dense

class LinearLayerGeneric:
    def _repr_(self):
        return "LinearLayer of dimension %d x %d represented by\n%s" \
            % (self.dimensions() + (self.parent(self),))

def LinearLayer(L):
    parent = L.parent()
    return type("LinearLayerGF2", (LinearLayerGeneric, Matrix_mod2_dense), 
{})(parent, L)

ll = LinearLayer(matrix(GF(2), 2, 2, [1, 0, 0, 1]))

I would expect to see
sage: ll
LinearLayer of dimension 2 x 2 represented by
[1 0]
[0 1]

But what I instead get, is this
sage: ascii_art(ll, "  vs  ", ll._repr_())
           LinearLayer of dimension 2 x 2 represented by
[1 0]      [1 0]
[0 1]  vs  [0 1]

So why is the _repr_() method from the matrix class called and not from 

The LinearLayer class is also listed first in the __mro__:
sage: ll.__class__.__mro__
(<class '__main__.LinearLayerGF2'>,
 <class __main__.LinearLayerGeneric at 0x7f4ab67e46d0>,
 <type 'sage.matrix.matrix_mod2_dense.Matrix_mod2_dense'>,
 <type 'sage.matrix.matrix_dense.Matrix_dense'>,
 <type 'sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix'>,
 <type 'sage.matrix.matrix1.Matrix'>,
 <type 'sage.matrix.matrix0.Matrix'>,
 <type 'sage.structure.element.Matrix'>,
 <type 'sage.structure.element.ModuleElement'>,
 <type 'sage.structure.element.Element'>,
 <type 'sage.structure.sage_object.SageObject'>,
 <type 'object'>)

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