On Jan 5, 2008 1:04 AM, Adam Getchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi William,
> I'm compressing vmware-sage-deluxe right now. It's 5.3G uncompressed,
> running SAGE- on Xubuntu-7.10, with VMTools and the latest
> updates.
> > I remember vaguely seeing that error message once.  You definitely
> > want to fix that, as it will make a _huge_ difference.    I don't remember
> > the fix, except I found it by googling around for a bit.
> I fixed that. It turns out you can't compressed the drives with active
> snapshots. On the other hand, cloning a branch of snapshots
> automatically compresses them down (handy for saving work).

That's what I forgot, definitely.

> > Send me an offlist email, and I can make an account for you on
> > sage.math.washington.edu
> I'll upload it whenever I can get an account. I usually use
> acgetchell,

> > It's *very* important that the "deluxe" sage vmware machine have the
> > vmware tools
> > fully working.  This makes a big difference -- e.g., the mouse will
> > move in and out
> > of the virtual machine more easily, etc.
> VMtools is working, but it's out of date. It still works though.
> Getting the new version of VMTools requires building a new kernel so
> that the kernel headers linked to can be used in the VMTools
> compilation. I had a build that tried that, it didn't work out. After
> this snapshot, I may go back to my branch and see if I can get
> working.
> I'm also going to try to see if I can get SAGE to work on OpenBSD;
> that's a much more secure OS (and it's easier to build a kernel on),
> it would make a nice public SAGE server. That's problematic, though,
> not sure I can get that to work in a week .... I'll let you know if it
> goes.

Michael Abshoff is porting sage to freebsd lately.

> > It would also be very good if a Sage virtual machine could be listed in the
> > VMware tools virtual marketplace.  I filled out the forms to get SAge listed
> > once, and they were completely ignored (I heard nothing back from vmware).
> > Perhaps you would have better luck?
> Sure, I'll try it when I do our VMWare order next cycle.
> > I just do a straight build.  Then i replace all the spkg' files in 
> > spkg/standard
> > by empty files, using the command /usr/local/bin/shrink that I wrote.
> Okay, I'll try that out.
> > I'm worried about that too.   :-(   What's the latest on it?
> As far as I know, they decided to keep lambdas, but map/reduce is gone. :-(

Ah.  That doesn't bother me so much since I never use either map or reduce,
since list comprehensions accomplish the same thing and (to me)
are much more natural, readable, and "mathematical looking".

> > Anyway, it will be at least a year (minimum; probably more)
> > until Sage is using  Python 3000.
> Cool.
> >  -- William
> Adam
> --
> "Invincibility is in oneself, vulnerability in the opponent." -- Sun Tzu

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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