With a Python 3 build of Sage, there are three files which exhibit failures 
only (or primarily?) when running the Sage patchbot. This is being tracked 
at https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/28622. Can anyone help figure out the 
problem and how to fix it? To see the problem, cd to SAGE_ROOT, run Python 
(either 2 or 3) and do this:

>>> import subprocess, os, sys
>>> tee = subprocess.Popen(["tee", 'LOGFILE.log'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> os.dup2(tee.stdin.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
>>> os.dup2(tee.stdin.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
>>> os.system('/path/to/sage/sage -t src/sage/repl/attach.py')

What's going on?


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