Hi everyone,

I am collaborating with a colleague to somehow extend the class 
SimplicialComplex to include functionalities of relative simplicial 
complexes. We've started coding but seek your input before moving forward, 
particularly on the initial design of the class.

Initially, we considered designing a new class with with a constructor 
having as an input two instances of the class SimplicialComplex, namely a 
complex and its subcomplex. However, we're now leaning towards inheriting 
directly from SimplicialComplex and adding a property for the relative 
part. This approach seems more logical, allowing us access to methods and 
behaviors from Sage's base classes.

We've also noted that some existing methods in Sage already include 
parameters for relative parts. An alternative approach could be to 
integrate this functionality into all existing methods.
We value your thoughts and feedback on these approaches, as we aim to make 
a meaningful contribution to the software.

Best regards,

Andres Moreno

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