On Friday, May 24, 2019 at 9:03:39 AM UTC-7, frank wessel wrote:
> downloaded the sage-8.7-OSX_10.11.6-x86_64.dmg (hopefully the latest)
> installed the package into Applications/SageMath folder
> set the SAGE_ROOT env variable in /etc/profile

You should not need to set the SAGE_ROOT variable anywhere, and my guess is 
that this is causing the problem. I just downloaded the same dmg (I'm using 
OS X 10.14.5), installed the SageMath folder, and clicked on the "sage" 
script; it all worked fine. Manually setting SAGE_ROOT is probably 
confusing the "relocate-once.py" script.

> clicked on the Sage icon (script) in the Applications/SageMath folder to 
> install
> got the following error: 
> RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded during compilation
> Error running the script 'relocate-once.py'.
> logout
> won't run.
> Thanks. 

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