
X does not want to stay running for me. Whenever I run startx (or xinit),
it crashes within seconds, or a couple of mins at most. The behavoius
seems to stop when the machine is reset, but comes back every now and
then. I am wondering if someone might know what is going on.

The message that appears in the logs when it dies is:
Jun 28 11:18:42 simon gnome-name-server[7731]: input condition is: 0x10,

So... I tried upgrading Gnome. Compiled gnome-libs (1.2.3) worked,
gdk-pixbuf (0.8.0) ok.
Now gnome-core (1.2.1) thinks gdk-pixbuf is not there. Configure script
doesnt find it, nor does make, so somethign is wrong.
checking for GdkPixbuf library >= 0.7.0... Unknown library `gdk-pixbuf'

ldconfig seems to link it (afaik):
[root@simon gnome-core-1.2.1] # /sbin/ldconfig -v | grep gdk_pixbuf
        libgdk_pixbuf.so.2 => libgdk_pixbuf.so.2.0.0

and now gnome panel is refusing to load (keeps segfaulting) 

What else do I need to do? or can I do?
Other things I have tried:
including the --libdir=/usr/local/lib in configure options (and
gdk-pixbuf 0.7.0 (no difference)
forced the configure though, make died saying it couldnt find gdk_pixbuf

Any ideas would be appreciated!


 - Simon

And the Lord said: "Let there be Windows(tm)!"
And the sky went blue...

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