Well, here I am, a dues-paying member of the Spam-Bayes Gang, and I can't
get the darned program to install. 


I'm running Outlook 2003 on an HP Pavilion desktop running Windows XP.  I
downloaded your program (on Kim Komando's good advice, thank you), and I
have an application file version 104.x.  


When I first installed it, it seemed to kick into gear, setting up a nifty
spam folder, reading my junk mail and diverting it, and generally behaving.
The only exceptions were that I never saw a toolbar or, for that matter, an
icon anywhere on my desktop or in the Start menu.  I could live with that,
because it seemed to be working.


I think it was working for two or three days.  (I shut down my entire system
at night, and reboot each morning.)  About three days ago, I got a message
telling me there had been a problem that only I could correct by
reconfiguring the program.  And that's where the grief began.  I have tried
all the hints and clues and suggestions - and I am baffled!.  I have tried
several reinstalls, and there is one notable issue:  I don't see the install
wizard, and I know that something requiring 8.3 mb doesn't unfold itself in
no more than the blink of an eye.


What's happening, and what do I need to do next?  I'm a cranky old broad of
only moderate techie-nerdiness, and I'm frustrated!


Catherine Arlett, Camelot

Practice Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty.  It's our world!


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