I ran the windows installer for 1.1.a3, telling it I was using the 
proxy.  It dies when I try to save my options including zodb:
500 Server error

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "spambayes\Dibbler.pyc", line 476, in found_terminator
   File "spambayes\UserInterface.pyc", line 884, in onChangeopts
   File "spambayes\ProxyUI.pyc", line 782, in reReadOptions
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 1007, in _recreateState
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 1022, in prepare
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 822, in prepare
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 885, in createWorkers
   File "spambayes\storage.pyc", line 949, in open_storage
   File "spambayes\storage.pyc", line 695, in __init__
   File "spambayes\storage.pyc", line 719, in load
ImportError: No module named ZODB

If I just open the config page and click Save right away without changing 
anything, or if I change anything, I get this:

500 Server error
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "spambayes\Dibbler.pyc", line 476, in found_terminator
   File "spambayes\UserInterface.pyc", line 884, in onChangeopts
   File "spambayes\ProxyUI.pyc", line 782, in reReadOptions
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 1007, in _recreateState
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 1022, in prepare
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 822, in prepare
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 889, in createWorkers
   File "spambayes\Stats.pyc", line 60, in __init__
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_statistics_start_date'

I'm going to try the Microsoft fix and reboot. But do I need to find ZODB 
and install it first? You said it was in the windows installer, didn't you?

Ok, rebooted. Still get the same errors in the config page.

I can't even get to the review messages page:

500 Server error
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "spambayes\Dibbler.pyc", line 476, in found_terminator
   File "spambayes\ProxyUI.pyc", line 552, in onReview
   File "spambayes\ProxyUI.pyc", line 247, in _buildReviewKeys
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

Ok, uninstalled all prior versions and removed the service. Reinstalled. 
Still get this when I click save on the config page:

500 Server error
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "spambayes\Dibbler.pyc", line 476, in found_terminator
   File "spambayes\UserInterface.pyc", line 884, in onChangeopts
   File "spambayes\ProxyUI.pyc", line 782, in reReadOptions
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 1007, in _recreateState
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 1022, in prepare
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 822, in prepare
   File "sb_server.pyc", line 889, in createWorkers
   File "spambayes\Stats.pyc", line 60, in __init__

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_statistics_start_date'

At 06:56 PM 1/26/2007 -0600, you wrote:
>At 02:55 PM 1/26/2007 -0600, you wrote:
> >     >> The default storage doesn't support multiple writers to the 
> database.
> >
> >     Tom> I take this to mean that perhaps I was training on some messages
> >     Tom> while my email client was open and actively updating the
> >     Tom> database... is that what this might mean?
> >
> >Yup.  If you're using the pop3 proxy why would your email client be updating
> >the database?
>Well, what I meant to say is that the email client initiated a mail
>download, causing the proxy to update the db.
> >     >> What version of SpamBayes are you running?  I thought the latest
> >     >> version had zodb and zeo options.
> >
> >     Tom> Pop3 proxy version is 1.0.4.
> >
> >I just rummaged through the change log in the source.  It appears that the
> >zodb/zeo support is new in 1.1.  You can try 1.1a2 or 1.1a3, the latest
> >versions.  Zodb storage is the default since 1.1a2 was released last April.
> >We've been much too long in alpha test for 1.1, but we collectively are
> >short on time.  If you decide to upgrade your feedback would be much
> >appreciated.  Given that your current database is corrupt I'd just toss it
> >instead of trying to convert it from dbm to zodb.
>Ok, thanks. I wasn't aware that there was a 1.1 alpha out there yet. How
>dangerous is it to run 1.1a3?
>Do either dbm or zodb require other support, e.g. other packages I need to
>download and install?
> >Skip
>[Writers] From the point of view of literature Mr. Kipling is a
>genius who drops his aspirates. From the point of view of life, he is
>a reporter who knows vulgarity better than any one has ever known it. -
>-Oscar Wilde
>--... ...--  -.. .  -. ----. --.- --.- -...
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (remove "nospam") N9QQB (amateur radio)
>"HEY YOU" (loud shouting)  WEB ADDRESS http//www.mixweb.com/tpeters
>43° 7' 17.2" N by 88° 6' 28.9" W,  Elevation 815',  Grid Square EN53wc
>WAN/LAN/Telcom Analyst, Tech Writer, MCP, CCNA, Registered Linux User 385531
>Check the FAQ before asking: http://spambayes.sf.net/faq.html

[Oops] "I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and
talked  with the best people, and I can assure you that data
processing is a fad that won't last out the year."  --The editor in
charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957.
--... ...--  -.. .  -. ----. --.- --.- -...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (remove "nospam") N9QQB (amateur radio)
"HEY YOU" (loud shouting)  WEB ADDRESS http//www.mixweb.com/tpeters
43° 7' 17.2" N by 88° 6' 28.9" W,  Elevation 815',  Grid Square EN53wc
WAN/LAN/Telcom Analyst, Tech Writer, MCP, CCNA, Registered Linux User 385531

Check the FAQ before asking: http://spambayes.sf.net/faq.html

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