I think that this document may be relevant to SPRING, please see the note below 
regarding a new draft on Guidelines for Charactering "OAM", and invite all 
feedback and comments on the Ops AWG mailing list.




Carlos & Adrian

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Carlos Pignataro <cpign...@gmail.com <mailto:cpign...@gmail.com> >
Date: Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 3:38 PM
Subject: New I-D -> Guidelines for Charactering "OAM"
To: Ops Area WG <ops...@ietf.org <mailto:ops...@ietf.org> >, Adrian Farrel 
<adr...@olddog.co.uk <mailto:adr...@olddog.co.uk> >


Hi, Ops Area WG,


Every now and again, there are discussions on how to best characterize or 
qualify a particular kind of "OAM", as well as misunderstandings due to having 
different definitions and contexts for a given term. A case in point is 
"in-band" or "out-of-band" OAM, as recently surfaced at 


To alleviate this issue, Adrian and I wrote a short I-D to provide 
forward-looking guidance on "foobar OAM".


We would appreciate feedback and input on this position, which aims at updating 
the guidelines for the "OAM" acronym, with unambiguous guidelines for their 


Guidelines for Charactering "OAM":



Look forward to input and comments to make this more clear and effective!


Adrian & Carlos.



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