
I play with sqltclsh.exe and vfs apndvfs and is working fine on windows.
I can have one exe file with my app with TCL scripts inside.
Problem is depend of tcl86t.dll and I want to Static linked in sqltclsh.exe.

I compile TCL with
nmake -f makefile.vc clean OPTS=static,symbols,msvcrt SHARED_BUILD=0
and now I have only tclsh86tsgx.exe file. (No tcl86t.dll  DLL)

But what I tray to static build sqltclsh.exe I have this error:

Creating library sqltclsh.lib and object sqltclsh.exp
sqltclsh.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__Tcl_PkgProvideEx referenced in function _Sqlite3_Init

last error part:

                            sqltclsh.exe target does not exist
        cl -nologo -W4 -DINCLUDE_MSVC_H=1   -DSQLITE_OS_WIN=1 -I. -I.
-Fesqltclsh.exe -wd4054 -wd4055 -wd4100 -wd4127 -wd4130 -wd4152 -wd4189
-wd4206 -wd4210 -wd4232 -wd4305 -wd4306 -wd4702 -wd4706 -DTCLSH=1
-DBUILD_sqlite -Ic:\backend2\tcl-8.6\include sqltclsh.c  /link /DEBUG
/NOLOGO /MACHINE:x86  /LIBPATH:c:\backend2\tcl-8.6\lib  sqlite3res.lo
sqltclsh.c(112130): warning C4098: 'minMaxValue': 'void' function returning
a value
sqltclsh.c(112136): warning C4098: 'minMaxFinalize': 'void' function
returning a value
sqltclsh.c(112190): warning C4018: '>=': signed/unsigned mismatch
sqltclsh.c(143381): warning C4245: 'function': conversion from 'int' to
'u32', signed/unsigned mismatch
sqltclsh.c(144060): warning C4456: declaration of 'addr' hides previous
local declaration
sqltclsh.c(144006): note: see declaration of 'addr'
sqltclsh.c(151926): warning C4389: '==': signed/unsigned mismatch
c:\backend2\sqlite.org\sqltclsh.c(143883) : warning C4701: potentially
uninitialized local variable 'addrIfPos1' used
c:\backend2\sqlite.org\sqltclsh.c(143859) : warning C4701: potentially
uninitialized local variable 'addrIfPos2' used
   Creating library sqltclsh.lib and object sqltclsh.exp
sqltclsh.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
__imp__Tcl_PkgProvideEx referenced in function _Sqlite3_Init
sqltclsh.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__Tcl_Alloc
referenced in function _DbMain
sqltclsh.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__Tcl_Free
referenced in function _incrblobClose

I did more combinations without succes.
any help is appreciated,

Petrica Chiriac
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