> Oleg V Alexeev wrote:
>ActionForm must store field values between user
>submits and the best choice for type of properties in ActionForm is

I've been chewing on the data type issue on ActionForms and I am starting
to agree with Oleg that Strings are the best datatypes for ActionForms.  I
would like to solicit ideas on what everyone is doing in this vein.
Specifically, how are you typing Dates?  For instance, if you define:

    /** Getter for property poDate.
     * @return Value of property poDate.
    public java.util.Date getPODate() {
        return poDate;

    /** Setter for property poDate.
     * @param poDate New value of property poDate.
    public void setPODate(java.util.Date poDate) {
        this.poDate = poDate;

and the user types in "blah", how does Struts set that value into a date?
Assuming I have not defined form.validate(), how could this work?
Similarly, what does Struts do if the date is in the wrong format?  Most
datatypes have constructors which accept Strings (even BigDecimal) but
java.util.Date doesn't.

The only answer that I can fathom right now (testing all of this over the
weekend...) is to specify all dates as Strings and do a
dateFormat.parse(strVal); on each - either in the form.validate() method or
in the Domain Object setter.  Following this line of thinking, why not do
the same for BigDecimal?


Andrew Goodnough
Dana Commercial Credit

                    Oleg V                                                             
                    Alexeev              To:     "Struts Users Mailing List" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         
                    <oalexeev@apa        cc:                                           
                    che.org>             Subject:     Re: anyone using Castor with 
                    05:40 AM                                                           
                    respond to                                                         
                    "Struts Users                                                      
                    Mailing List"                                                      

Hello John,

We use Castor & Struts in our projects.
The right way to use Castor is to develop beans to work with
entities from the problem domain, develop database structure and
mapping configuration. And after that develop your Struts application.
Struts' ActionForms are presentation specific classes - a some kind of
informational proxy between entity beans and HTML form data from user
input. Action classes incorporates business logic and work with Castor
to take and store entity beans from/to persistence storage. I think
that idea to use ActionForm as beans in Castor mapping is a potential
source of problems. ActionForm must store field values between user
submits and the best choice for type of properties in ActionForm is
java.lang.String. Entity beans can contains any type properties and
all values for it you can transfer from the ActionForm with help of
BeanUtils.populate() method, which perform automatic conversion of
the field values between String values and such types as Data, Integer
and so on.

Friday, February 22, 2002, 7:30:12 AM, you wrote:

JM> I am considering using Castor as a Persistance mechanism with Struts.
JM> anyone currently use Castor?  Since Castor is desinged to work with any
JM> like class, to implement castor should I use Castor QQL directly from
JM> ActionForm classes or should there be some kind of redirection from the
JM> ActionForm to a more Castor specific class?

JM> -john

JM> --
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Best regards,
 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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