For more details & some code search the archive at
chainToPage - something I wrote & mean to refine one day. No tags - controlled
from inside the action class. It works fine for me. It's designed for swapping
between lists of data & maintenance programs but will work for anything
including what you want.
> bad, routing outside of struts-config.xml)
For this not so - you must define an Action for your dialog box which has a
forward for every action that it returns to - which I think is very good.

returnstamp - By a guy called tuomo - a more experienced programmer than me -
this uses a tag & is controlled from the jsp. 

There is also lots of stuff about workflow (search for that) but I've not
looked into it. My requirements aren't that sophisticated.

The linking to pages like this is so commom - other people must have solutions,
can some of the real experts who have written lots of systems tell us what the
best solution is?
Some people think it should be controlled from the jsp - I prefer from the
action class using forwards defined for it - I think my one fits neatly with
the existing struts design - it's 'lean' solution - works & contains very
little code. Does take a bit of code to use it.
Sorry I can't give you a more definitive answer - Keith.
PS do share your sloution if you sort something out.

--- Andreas Mack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-02-15 at 02:19, Ted Husted wrote:
> I have a question along these lines:
> Quite often I have thing like an acknowledge page, very much
> like an Ok Dialog: "The password has been changed successfully.
> <html:submit>OK</html:submit>". I'm toying with the idea of generalize
> this by having an "OKAction" and an okdialog.jsp where I parametrize
> or attributize the message and the forward (yes, this is bad, routing
> outside of struts-config.xml). 
> It works, but only sub-optimal, because to return to a specific page
> "/" requires the uid field. Somehow this should be within
> the generic okdialog.jsp. I'd like to have a collection of parameters
> set which are dynamically added to the okdialog.jsp in hidden fields,
> but hidden::name/property seems to be "static". Any hints here ? Am I
> down a wrong road ? How do others do these quite generic dialogs ?
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Andreas Mack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> mediales. GmbH

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