An Honest Seeker

    One of the teachers of the law came to Jesus. He heard Jesus
    arguing with the Sadducees and the Pharisees. He saw that
    Jesus gave good answers to their questions. So he asked
    Jesus, "Which of the commands is most important?"

                            -- Mark 12:28 (ERV)

  An honest seeker overhears all the questions intended to trap Jesus and
  is impressed with Jesus' answers. He asks an honest question: "What is
  the greatest of the commandments?" When Scripture says something is
  most important, we should pay attention! When Jesus says it, we had
  better offer obedience! Don't you think we would be better served in
  our Christian communities if we stopped the arguments over all the
  peripheral things that divide us and focused on the things that
  Scripture says are most important? So let's join this teacher each day
  as we approach Scripture and ask, "O Lord, what is most important?"
  Then let's commit to be obedient to what the Lord tells us and reveals
  to us!

  Father in heaven, I do love you. Help me show that love through a life
  of obedience that is focused on the things that you value as most
  important! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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