Escaped Without a Cloak

   There was a young man following Jesus. He was wearing only a
   linen cloth. The people also grabbed this man. The cloth he
   was wearing came off, and he ran away wearing nothing.

                           -- Mark 14:51-52 (ERV)

If Mark 14:50 is one of the most heart-wrenching passages of the Bible,
these verses are some of the most intriguing. Some have suggested that
this is a reference to John Mark, who wrote this gospel -- these verses
don't occur elsewhere -- and that this is his signature placed with the
Gospel to insure its authenticity. If this is so, it is yet another
reminder that even those who secretly tried to follow Jesus during his
Passion were run off by the violent mob that attacked the Lord, leaving
Jesus completely alone, without a friendly face when surrounded by a
crowd thirsty for blood. No matter who this young man may have been, he
is a reminder of a host of those who followed the Lord about whom we
know little or nothing. Yet their presence and support of the Lord at
other times were crucial to the spread of God's Kingdom and the triumph
of the Gospel.

Father, I thank you for those who followed Jesus who I will never know
till heaven. I know you used so many more people to support his
ministry and carry on his mission than we know about in the New
Testament. Help me be willing to serve him whether I am known or not
known as one of his loyal followers by future generations. In Jesus'
name. Amen.

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