Give God What Is His

    Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar the things that are
    Caesar's. And give to God the things that are God's." The men
    were amazed at what Jesus said.

                            -- Mark 12:17 (ERV)

  Jesus' answer was as simple as it was profound. Jesus refused to get
  caught in their debate, but instead placed the responsibility on each
  of us to decide what is "Caesar's" and what is God's. Jesus spoke with
  a convicting simplicity that challenged men and women to take
  responsibility for honoring God, for living responsibly with others,
  and for honoring our earthly citizenship in holy and honorable ways.
  Jesus' words still speak to us. What are they challenging you to do

  O Father, the responsibilities of my earthly citizenship and my
  heavenly one sometimes pull me in different directions. Please help me
  know what is "Caesar's" and what is yours! I want to live honorably in
  my earthly homeland and show myself a good citizen. However, dear
  Father, I never want to do anything that would compromise my clear
  allegiance to you. Give me wisdom as I seek to live as an example of
  your grace, your holy character, and your holy wisdom before others. In
  Jesus' name. Amen.

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