No More Den of Thieves

    Jesus went to Jerusalem. He went into the temple area. Jesus
    began to throw out the people that were buying and selling
    things there. Jesus turned over the tables that belonged to
    the people that were exchanging different kinds of money. And
    Jesus turned over the benches of those people that were
    selling doves. Jesus refused to allow any person to carry
    things through the temple area. Then Jesus taught the people.
    He said, "It is written in the Scriptures, 'My house will be
    called a house for prayer for all people.' But you are
    changing God's house into a 'hiding place for thieves.'"

                            -- Mark 11:15-17 (ERV)

  Jesus invades the Temple to restore it to its purpose. This was to be a
  place of prayer. This place was to be open to all the nations. This
  place wasn't about making a profit off people seeking God. This place
  wasn't about merchandising the grace of God. While Jesus' actions were
  bold and shocking to those of his day, we have a tendency to let the
  distance in both time and culture soften the implications. If Jesus
  invades our hearts, our worship, our religious places and times, what
  sacred cows will he drive away? Are we open to other nations and
  cultures? Are we about being a place and people of prayer? How have we
  sold out our Savior and our worship of him to our over-commercialized
  culture? How have we let religious charlatans fleece God-seeking
  people? And if our bodies are God's temple, then what does this all
  mean for us?

  O God, my heavenly Father, help me see my sacred cows and let Jesus
  drive them out of my life. Humble me gently as you lovingly, but
  completely, remove the idols and vestiges of false religion that
  inhabit my heart. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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