Sad You See!

    Then some Sadducees came to Jesus. (Sadducees believe that no
    person will rise from death.) The Sadducees asked Jesus a

                            -- Mark 12:18 (ERV)

  Clearly, this period of Jesus' ministry is filled with the carefully
  crafted questions of his enemies. Pharisees, supporters of Herod
  and Sadducees were not good friends normally. They all had their
  political, religious, and social agendas. However, Jesus' popularity
  with the common people, his willingness to speak the truth of God
  boldly without relying on the support of other religious leaders, and
  his acceptance of the titles of Son of God, Son of David, and King of
  the Jews as he entered Jerusalem scared them to death. They were going
  to do their best to trap him with their questions. The Sadducees would
  have very deep differences with Jesus because they did not believe in
  angels or the resurrection. They were wedded to the world as they found
  it and survived with their faith by accommodating it to the political
  winds of the time. As we read the following verses, Jesus will not use
  polite or politically correct speech. Like the apostle Paul does in 1
  Corinthians 15, Jesus directly rebukes the wrong-headed lie that denies
  the resurrection. Of course, Jesus' greatest exclamation mark on the
  truth of the resurrection will be his own empty tomb and his
  appearances to his disciples after his death.

  Father in heaven, you are the eternal God. From everlasting to
  everlasting you have been, will be, and are God. I confess that I
  cannot completely fathom the truth of this. However, dear Father, I do
  trust it with all my heart. Father, I believe in your Son and I have
  shared with him in his death, burial, and resurrection through baptism.
  By the power of your Holy Spirit, I live to honor you each day. I
  believe that the Holy Spirit will bring me safely into your presence
  for eternity. Thank you for such great hope. May I never compromise my
  faith in this glorious truth. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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