The Fig Tree

  The next day, Jesus was leaving Bethany. He was hungry. Jesus
  saw a fig tree with leaves. So Jesus went to the tree to see
  if it had any figs growing on it. But Jesus found no figs on
  the tree. There were only leaves. It was not the right time
  for figs to grow. So Jesus said to the tree, "People will
  never eat fruit from you again." Jesus' followers heard him
  say this.

                          -- Mark 11:12-14 (ERV)

What? What in the world is this about? ... Yeah, that's most people's
response to this story. Jesus uses his miraculous powers to curse the
fig tree. Our human viewpoint looks on this as capricious and unfair.
It's not even the season for figs and yet Jesus curses it because it is
fruitless. Clearly, Jesus is trying to teach his close followers -- and
us in the process -- something very important. As in some other stories
and events in the New Testament, it is important that we focus on the
one key point of the story. As this story unfolds, it is possible to
see that the lack of fruit on the fig tree foreshadows Jerusalem and
all that it symbolizes with the Temple -- the central religious place
for God's people. Jesus will die there. He will die for the people
there ... and people all over the world. He will come looking to see if
there is fruit as a result of his life, sacrifice, and resurrection.
There will be choices to make. There will be a season of decision and
fruit-bearing. Jerusalem had its time. Now it is our own time of
decision and continuous fruit-bearing. What will our future be?

O Father in heaven, I choose to honor Jesus and trust him to be my
Savior. I believe he is the Christ, the Messiah your prophets promised
would come. I want him to reign as Lord in my life. I open my life for
the Holy Spirit to do his work of transformation in me ... conforming
me into the character of your Son and transforming me into a temple
where you live. My prayer is that your holy fruit be formed in me. In
Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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