The Jeers of the Cruel Condemners

   Some of the people there spit at Jesus. They covered Jesus'
   eyes and hit him with their fists. They said, "Be a prophet
   and tell us who hit you!" Then the guards led Jesus away and
   beat him.

                           -- Mark 14:65 (ERV)

I never cease to be amazed at the thoughtless cruelty that human beings
can inflict on each other. No wonder that we human beings needed a
Savior who would bear our insults, our violence, our injustice, and our

O loving Father, my stomach turns at the inhumanity and senseless
violence that permeates the world in which I find myself. Forgive us
.. forgive me ... forgive our propensity for returning violence for
violence and our willingness to inflict violence even when there is no
rational need to do so. Redeem our time and our world through the
powerful reminder of your Son, who bore our sins and carried our
sorrows while under the most inhuman and violent abuse. In Jesus' name
I pray. Amen.

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