What Do You Want Me To Do?

    Jesus asked the man, "What do you want me to do for you?" The
    blind man answered, "Teacher, I want to see again." Jesus
    said, "Go. You are healed because you believed." Then the man
    was able to see again. He followed Jesus on the road.

                            -- Mark 10:51-52 (ERV)

  Isn't that such a simple question? Wouldn't we better serve others if
  we asked them questions, listened to their answers, honored their
  request, and then affirmed their commitment and faith? Unfortunately we
  often think we know best how to help people, so we do what we think
  best rather than asking them what they need. While we can't honor every
  wish and sometimes people's needs seem self-evident and
  straightforward, asking them for input gives them the opportunity to
  share what's on their hearts, and to express their needs while at the
  same time it affirms their dignity at a time when they may feel like
  they have lost every shred of dignity.

  O Father, help me to patiently wait and look for ways to help and serve
  others in your name. Give me the wisdom to do what they need, the
  patience to listen to them as they express that need, and the
  tenderness to invite them to let me share their burden. In Jesus' name
  I ask for this help. Amen.

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