Hi Dawn,

I'm not very familiar with AIM, but you can try changing around the
'Authentication method' in the Advanced tab and see if that helps your
situation?  You might also want to try looking at the debug log (from the
buddy list, Help->Debug Window) as you reconnect to the account to see if
there's any more-detailed info.  If you get stuck with that, you can try
posting it to the support list and we might be able to see what's happening.


On 31 May 2017 at 00:32, BulldogBlues <bulldogb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Pidgin,
>   I'm trying to help a family member get reconnected using Pidgin with
> AIM.  She has been using Pidgin for a number of years with no difficulty.
>   She received this message the other day:  Error requesting
> https://api.oscar.aol.com/aim/startOSCARSession: Unable to connect to
> api.oscar.aol.com: SSL Handshake Failed
>   I had her update her Pidgin to the 2.12.0 version and she tells me it
> did not fix the issue.
>   What does this mean, please?  I have searched and searched for answers
> to her issue but everything is 8 years old or more....
>   Thanks for your help and guidance!
> Sincerely,
> Dawn E Martin
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