Hi Bob,

You've accidentally sent an email to the security@ mailing list which is
only to report security issues.  I've CC'd the support@ mailing list which
is the one you meant to have emailed :)

The answer to your question is on the Pidgin FAQ:


On Wed, 3 Apr 2019 at 12:32, Bob <cyc...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello my wife and I live in the U.S.A and both our accounts are no longer
> working with ICQ via Pidgin version 2.13.0
> i even tried changing my password to see if it would make a difference it
> didn't.
> our ICQ accounts login and function fine from ICQ proprietary software but
> not at all from pidgin.
> it started this week i'm including my screen shots.
> I have not made any changes to my login nor hers when this began
> happening. we both run on win 7 ultimate verison 64 bit and have been using
> pidgin for several years without any issues.
> I hope you can fix this. word doc attached with error when attempting to
> login.
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> secur...@pidgin.im
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