hello staff would like to help with a following question

I have the tables Pessoa and Pessoa Fisica

    _attributes: { idMethod: native }
    id: { type: INTEGER, required: true, autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true }
    created_at: { type: TIMESTAMP }
    updated_at: { type: TIMESTAMP }
    nome: { type: VARCHAR, size: '40' }

    _attributes: { idMethod: native }
    id: { type: INTEGER, required: true, autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true }
    created_at: { type: TIMESTAMP }
    updated_at: { type: TIMESTAMP }
    pai: { type: VARCHAR, size: '40' }
    mae: { type: VARCHAR, size: '40' }
    rg: { type: VARCHAR, size: '10' }
    cpf: { type: VARCHAR, size: '14' }
    data_nascimento: { type: TIMESTAMP }
    tel_ddd1: { type: VARCHAR, size: '2' }
    tel_num1: { type: VARCHAR, size: '10' }
    tel_ddd2: { type: VARCHAR, size: '2' }
    tel_num2: { type: VARCHAR, size: '10' }
    pessoa_id: { type: INTEGER, required: true, foreignTable: pessoa,
foreignReference: id, onDelete: RESTRICT, onUpdate: RESTRICT }
    _indexes: { FK_pessoa_fisica_0: [pessoa_id]}

Both are correct for my type of application and the relationship is

In my file cadastrarpessoaSuccess.php I have the fields being
printed correctly but I'm not printing the pessoa_id
why have not registered the person (being a person who is physically
to be related to a person).

in my action (see right) I would like to have the following code ...

public function executeCadastrarpessoa($request)

      $this->form = new PessoaForm();
      $this->form_pessoa_fisica = new PessoaFisicaForm();

      if ($request->isMethod('post'))


        if ($this->form->isValid() && $this->form_pessoa_fisica-

                                // pessoa
                                $pessoa = $this->form->save();
                                // pessoa fisica

                                $pessoa_fisica = $this-

'OK. =)');

                                $this->form = new PessoaForm();
                                $this->form_pessoa_fisica = new

'Error: 65494654454544656 ...');


Well above this the code that I thought to be able to resolve my
this problem under the code that works
my problem is that after we made the bind (by which I understand it
converts in the array object)
After he is done I can not change the value of PessoaId in my
object to save the relationship correct.
Another thing I would like to know if it is nice to get validation of
because of foreign layout without entering the value of pessoa_id can
not pass
by function isValid ();

public function executeCadastrarpessoa($request)

      $this->form = new PessoaForm();
      $this->form_pessoa_fisica = new PessoaFisicaForm();

      if ($request->isMethod('post'))


        $pessoa_fisica = $request->getParameter('pessoa_fisica');
        $pessoa_fisica['pessoa_id'] = "1";

                  if ($this->form->isValid() && $this-

                                // pessoa
                                $pessoa = $this->form->save();
                                // pessoa fisica
                                $pessoa_fisica = $request-
                                $pessoa_fisica['pessoa_id'] = $pessoa-

                                $pessoa_fisica = $this-

'OK. =)');

                                $this->form = new PessoaForm();
                                $this->form_pessoa_fisica = new

'Error: 65494654454544656 ...');


I appreciate any help.
If someone does not understand the problem may request further
now appreciate that.

Excuse my English

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