you are parsing the xml correctly, the trouble is that you are not
displaying it correctly.

>From your code:

<x:out select="$parsedxml//*"/> 
This will show nothing, as the "String XPath value" of your whole xml is

<c:out value="${parsedxml}"/>
This shows [#document: null], since you'r displaying an object of type
org.w3c.Document, whose toString() method returns : "[" + name-of-the-node +
": " + value-of-the-node + "]".

It's an xml-xpath problem what you are witnessing, not an jstl one.

        Back in the "String XPath value" issue, the XPath specification says
that the value of transforming a node or a set of them into a String is the
concatenation of the values of the text or cdata nodes contained in the
subtree. A strange way of saying that it merely remove the tags (attributes

        If you use the following tag, you should see something:

--->><x:out select="$parsedxml/MenuConfig/Menus/Menu/@name"/><<---
        That should output:


-----Original Message-----
From: David Ketchin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 27 May 2004 17:41
Subject: Unable to parse XML input using x:parse

I am having a problem with the x:parse tag. 
Im using the standard 1.05 apache jstl taglib in a struts 1.1 app on
No matter what I do the xml fails to parse and a null document is produced.

The xml exists as a string property on a bean. 

the xml is as follows -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
        <Menu  name="UserMenu"  title="HOMEMENU"  description="test"
                <Item  name="HomeMenu"  title="HOMEMENU"  description="test"
forward="Main.Welcome" mtype=""/>
                <Item  name="AssystUserIncidentMenu"  title="INCIDENTMENU"
                        <Item   name="LogIncident"   title="LOGINCIDENT"
forward="Incident.LogIncident" mtype="LogIncAllowed"/>
                        <Item   name="PrinterFault"
title="LOGPRINTERFAULT" forward="Incident.LogPrinterFault"
                        <Item   name="SoftwareFault"
title="LOGSOFTWAREFAULT" forward="Incident.LogSoftwareFault"
                <Item  name="AssystUserChangeMenu"  title="CHANGEMENU"
                        <Item   name="LogChange"   title="LOGCHANGE"
forward="Change.LogChange" mtype="LogRFCAllowed"/>
                        <Item   name="MoveFault"   title="LOGMOVEFAULT"
forward="Incident.LogMoveFault" mtype="LogRFCAllowed"/>
                        <Item   name="NewtstartFault"
title="LOGNEWSTARTFAULT" forward="Incident.LogNewstartFault"
        <Item  name="ViewMenu"  title="VIEWMENU"  description="test"
                        <Item   name="EventMonitor"   title="EVENTMONITOR"
forward="Main.EventSearch" mtype=""/>
                        <Item   name="KnowledgeBase"   title="KNOWLEDGEBASE"
forward="Main.KnowledgeBase" mtype=""/>
                        <Item   name="AMSearch"   title="ASSETSEARCH"
forward="Asset.AssetSearch" image="../images/select-all.png" mtype=""/> 
        <Item name="ROOTACTION" title="ROOTACTION" mtype="OnSelectedEvent">
                <Item  name=""
title="" forward="KnowledgeSearchForEvent"
                <Item  name="PLACEKNOWLEDGESOLVED" title="doesnt matter it
will come from the database"  forward="KnowledgeSolved"
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUCATEGORYnormalActions"
title="NORMALACTION"  mtype="OnSelectedEvent"/>
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUCATEGORYsuggestedActions"
title="SUGGESTEDACTION"  mtype="OnSelectedEvent"/>
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUCATEGORYstageActions"
title="STAGEACTION"  mtype="OnSelectedEvent"/>
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUCATEGORYfutureActions"
title="FUTUREACTION"  mtype="OnSelectedEvent"/>
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUCATEGORYuserStatusActions"
title="USERACTION"  mtype="OnSelectedEvent"/>
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUCATEGORYclockActions"
title="CLOCKACTION"  mtype="OnSelectedEvent"/>
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUTYPE1" title="assign"
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUTYPE2" title="acknowl"
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUTYPE3" title="callback not matter
will be replaced with action name"  mtype="OnSelectedEvent"/>
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUTYPE40" title="add info"
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUTYPE42" title="chaseup"
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUTYPE4" title="pending cls"
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUTYPE5" title="closure"
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUTYPE6" title="reopen"
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUCATEGORYsupplierActions"
title="SUPPLIERACTION"  mtype="OnSelectedEvent"/>
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUTYPE29" title="major inc"
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUCATEGORYstateActions"
title="STATEACTION"  mtype="OnSelectedEvent"/>
                <Item  name="ACTIONMENUCATEGORYsystemActions"
title="SYSTEMACTION"  mtype="OnSelectedEvent"/>
        <Item  name="HelpMenu"  title="HELPMENU" mtype="">
                        <Item   name="AboutPage"   title="ABOUTPAGE"
forward="Help.About" mtype=""/>
                        <Item   name="HelpPage"   title="HELPPAGE"
forward="Help.Main"  target="_blank" mtype=""/>
        <Item  name="LogoutMenu"  title="LOGOUTMENU"   forward="Main.Logout"
description="test" mtype=""/>

the page parsing it is -

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/c.tld" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/x.tld" prefix="x" %>
<title> Test page </title>
<h1> Xml display - from loaded value</h1>

<c:out value="${MenuBuilderForm.userXmlMenu}" escapeXml="false"/>

<x:parse var="parsedxml"  xml="${MenuBuilderForm.userXmlMenu}" />

<x:out select="$parsedxml//*"/> 
<c:out value="${parsedxml}"/>

The output is -

Xml display - from loaded value

[#document: null] 

But viewing the souce shows the c:out has written the xml to the source of
the page showing it is loaded on the bean and is in scope.

All the relevant jars are in /WEB-INF/lib and the tld's in /WEB-INF/ - have
also had the same issue with 1.04 and 1.02 taglib.

any ideas?

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