Hi all,
In response to my request yesterday:

*I write on behalf of a team preparing to create an app (free as in beer
aswell as in speech) which will help users find WiFi hotspots and also
reviewthem or report new ones. We already have some data-sets which appear
to bepublic-domain, but these things keep changing hence our intention to
havereal-time crowdsourcing.Initially we thought of using both Google Maps
and OSM but on closerinvestigation, discovered that above a minimal level
of use, Google APIcosts some dollars, so we discarded that idea.None of us
has done this kind of thing before so we are hoping for guidanceand
assistance. I found your addresses in the OSM Import Guidelines page.*
I got the following reply from Greg Troxel (reprinted with permission):

"Presumably you have seen
and the rejected proprosal


"It's good that you are thinking about licensing from the beginning.

"The standard opinion in OSM is that reviews don't belong in the
database.  But public hotspots seem to be viewed as appropriate.
"Google Maps also tends to allow only tile viewing, not access to vector

"The big problem with users editing data is ensuring that the edits are
aligned with existing data.  For people who learn to use the editing
tools and look at the whole db near the hotspot, this works, but it's a
huge barrier to entry.  The other extreme is a "add this hotspot" button
in an app that takes lat/lon and hotspot info and just adds a node to
OSM without checking if it's there - which of course isn't ok.  In
between there is some degree of looking for existing nearish hotspots
and verifying if the new one is the same or not, and doing that as
automatically as possible while causing acceptably little trouble.  This
is going to be the hard part of your project technically.

"I can see two approaches to what you want to do.  One option is to make
a database of hotspots separate from OSM, with lat/lon for each.  Or
perhaps also a reference to an object in OSM.  Then you can display that
on an OSM basemap.  The db could have information about ssid, bssid,
channel, etc., which is beyond what probably belongs in OSM.
editing the db is really just about making sure there isn't an existing
object for the hotspot.  Avoiding dups should be relatively easy.

"The other is to maintain the main data for a hotspot in OSM, adding the
internet_access=wlan tag to (probably) an existing object.  Again you
may wish to maintain some data that is too detailed for OSM, and
associate that with the OSM object.  This has the advantage that changes
by OSM editors are reflected in your app's data, and your app's edits
will help others.  You will need to ensure that contributions from your
user's meet the Contributor Terms, both in not violating existing rights
and granting adequate rights.  One approach might be that the app only
adds hotspots it is observing, so the users have first-party data, and
to get them to agree that contributions are PD.

"With this second approach, the hard part will be to find the right
object in OSM to modify, but if the facility with the wifi is mapped,
that may be easy as multiple choice of nearby, and if not, adding a node
with just the internet_access=wlan tag is arguably reasonable.

"You are writing to imports, but to me the user-contributed data does not
feel like an import.  It's a different kind of change to the OSM db that
needs extra scrutiny (the structure, not each edit), though.

"You mention an existing database.  The import norms (see the wiki) are
that you post the actual data, the license, scripts to transform it to
OSM changesets, and all other info about what you are proposing to do.
Pay extra attention to how hotspot info will be merged into existing OSM
objects, so tha the resulting data is no messier than humans would

"An alternative is to have the app search the union of OSM and the other
datasets, and to offer to upload a point to OSM, with human choosing
help, when the user is actually observing it."

My reply: Yes, the person who directed us to OSM gave us the tag Greg
supplied. Also, I'd gathered that a tag for a mere network area was
unavailable, but our datasets have names of coffeeshops etc.

Concerning the issue of reviews and quality control, we have considered
some sort of multi-stage process of verification. But it's all in the air;
Greg's comments are helpful.

I hereby invite further input from ZA.

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