El lun, 22-04-2013 a las 12:11 -0700, Travis Reitter escribió:
> I think the only caching Folks itself should need would be:
> * link/aggregation cache (fdo#687671). This wouldn't be a concern for
>   Telepathy itself, but I'm just listing it for completeness. Start-up
>   aggregation for Folks is a lot of repeated work which is mostly
>   redundant for almost all Folks client runs between Telepathy account
>   adds/removes (so, ~all runs).

This could be a step towards a folksd.

> * (possibly) the core vCard (mainly alias/nickname/Full Name) + avatar
>   for favorites in a format that can be displayed extremely quickly.
>   This would be an optimization around worst-case performance risks of
>   the full cache and I'd only implement if we can't guarantee good
>   performance in the general case using the caches below us. Though
>   depending on the implementation of the aggregation cache, this may
>   just be a matter of adding a bit for whether each is a favorite and
>   convenience API to retrieve just those Individuals (first).

How necessary is this? I think we should only add something like this in
response to profiling, once the other optimisations (such as an
aggregation cache) have been implemented. It might turn out to be

> Did I miss anything, Philip?

Not that I can think of.


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