#fedora-meeting: Fedora QA meeting

Meeting started by adamw at 15:00:38 UTC. The full logs are available at

Meeting summary
* Roll Call  (adamw, 15:00:48)

* Previous meeting follow-up  (adamw, 15:06:32)
  * "adamw to read up on how the matrix/irc bridging works for topic
    setting, and get sumantro appropriate rights to set topics on both
    sides in the test day channel" - i did this, sadly topic bridging
    doesn't work in either direction, you have to set it manually on
    both sides. I mailed sumantro some info on what he needs to set it
    on IRC  (adamw, 15:07:41)
  * "adamw to check in with sumantro on status of iot and coreos test
    weeks" - i did that, and both are in fact live now (coreos is just
    ending, iot is starting)  (adamw, 15:08:46)

* Window manager release criterion proposal  (adamw, 15:11:18)
  * kparal sent out an updated proposal:
    (adamw, 15:11:57)
  * the window management criterion proposal gathers strong indifference
    and/or support  (adamw, 15:18:56)

* Fedora 38 status  (adamw, 15:19:25)
  * current status is fairly good, blocker list is short and being
    worked on  (adamw, 15:20:02)
  * final freeze is tomorrow  (adamw, 15:20:07)
  * not all validation tests have been run yet, if folks can help run
    the missing tests on current nightly candidate composes that would
    be great  (adamw, 15:20:34)

* Test Day / community event status  (adamw, 15:29:29)
  * IoT test day is just starting:
    (adamw, 15:31:35)
  * CoreOS test day is wrapping up:
    http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:Fedora_38_CoreOS  (adamw,
  * Upgrade Test Day happened last week:
    - thanks to everyone who tested  (adamw, 15:32:38)

* Open floor  (adamw, 15:35:07)

Meeting ended at 15:46:55 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* adamw (57)
* zodbot (11)
* geraldosimiao (8)
* rishi (4)
* kparal (4)
* coremodule (3)
* bcotton (3)
* lruzicka (3)
* rishi[m] (1)
* marcdeop[m] (1)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.4

.. _`MeetBot`: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
Fedora Chat: @adamwill:fedora.im | Mastodon: @ad...@fosstodon.org

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