I have been trying out Surge_Reliable in XBow apps (http://www.xbow.com/Support/Support_pdf_files/Crossbow.tgz) in TinyOS v1.1.7. It compiles and works fine. However, when i upgraded TinyOS to v1.1.15, i found that the codes of Surge_Reliable would send the same identical packets many times to the node ID 0 which is observed in xListener application. I suspect there is something changed in modules like QueuedSend, GenericCommPromiscuous, Bcast or EWMAMultiHopRouter that causes this problem. But I found nothing mentioned in http://www.tinyos.net/tinyos-1.x/doc/changes-minor-releases.html#1.1.11. Does anybody face this problem before?
Thank you,
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