Have a look at the CC1000RadioIntM.nc file in /tos/platform/mica2. The squelch is continuously varied by measuring the signal strength when the radio is idle. The current squelch values is called usSquelchVal. This is calculated using a squelch table (usSquelchTable).

When transmitting the program waits a random delay time (sMacDelay). Everytime a byte is received from the radio an interrupt occurs. If this byte is rubbish and a transmit it pending then it decrements sMacDelay until it is 0. When this occurs then it tries to transmit by checking that the signal strength is low enough (less than squelch) before transmitting.

I hope this helps.


primalfear 69 wrote:
hello everybody..........
why and for what is Squelch term or variable is used in CC1000? i have a similar doubt in case of macdelay......... (i guess mac delay is used in order to transmit another data when it has already sent one). if am wrong please correct me. and could anyone get me some help regarding the interrupts........ in general. Regards Primalfear

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