Hi again , Well my problem stems from migrating from Tomcat 3.2.3 to 
Tomcat 4 .

Thus i wanted to set up a secure tomcat 4 server utilising SSL , I have 
installed the JSSE support and placed the the 3 jars into <jdk 
installation>/jre/lib/ext dir . The CA'S and CERT'S have been 
self-created( Using Keytool) and my keys and certs placed in <tomcat 4 
home>/keys Folder  to help tomcat locate my .Keystore that is named keys.

Thus my Keystore is called bbnpakeys in the <tomcat home>/keys/bbnpakeys

Thus i hoped that the keystore called keys would locate the server cert 
as i have configured the SSL Connector via <tomcat 4 home> /conf/server.xml.

I have uncommented the <connector/> in question.

<!-- Define an SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 (Uncommented this 
    <Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector"
               port="8443" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
             acceptCount="10" debug="0" scheme="https" secure="true">
      <Factory className="org.apache.catalina.net.SSLServerSocketFactory"

Thus via IE.5 signed my own cert as CA. > Used keytool utility to export 
my created cert and imported to IE.5 using base64 encoded format into a 
file called bbnpa.cert into Trusted Root Certification.

Thus on re-start on startup script and typing https://localhost:8443/  . 
I get a Dialog box with the Yellow Box Icon it try's to connect to site 
127.0.01 but then a IE.5 page cant be dispayed.

 I can't use Mozilla as i haven't dnd the cert or imported yet but when 
i try any other ip address i get connection refused while attempting a 

Please help as it's delaying other work. NB Tomcat 4 is running from the 
startup script.

Cheers Chuck Amadi

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