Hi all and Happy New Year !

My problem is :

Assuming that i'm working with a Dev Team, i do have to administrate
contexts for the different users.

Let's take an example;
user1 has this Context:

    <Context path="/iretest" docBase="/home/user1/AppWeb/iretest"
        <!-- user1's applications logger -->
        <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                directory="/home/user1/Logs" prefix="Tomcat_Log."
                verbosity="4" timestamp="true">

    <Context path="/Test" docBase="/home/user2/AppWeb/TestApp" debug="0"

        <!-- user2's applications logger -->
        <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                directory="/home/user2/Logs" prefix="Tomcat_Log."
                verbosity="4" timestamp="true">

All of this is working good...

But when a user - for instance user1 - wants a new application to be
deployed, i do have to modify
the server.xml once again so that he/she can work with that new
In such this case i deploy a second/next new context for, in the case of

user 1;

<Context path="/Test2" docBase="/home/user1/AppWeb/Test2" debug="0"
        <!-- user1's applications logger -->
        <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                directory="/home/user1/Logs" prefix="Tomcat_Log."
                verbosity="4" timestamp="true">

My question is :

    Is it possible to deploy such a web application in a way that we can

have a physical deployment like:

/home/dir/AppWeb/App1, /home/dir/AppWeb/App2, /home/dirAppWeb/App3
assuming that I, as the UNIX Admin, deploy in advance the
/home/dir/AppWeb directory including App1 App2 App3 Appn directories to
be autodeployed.
So that when the dev Team need a new WebApplication then will only have
to use it as it.

The Appn applications will be In Order to be Used !

I don't know how to do it except declaring a special <Context> for each
of them...

Any comments/advices/answers will be welcome.

Best regards.

Jean-Luc BEAUDET :O)

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