> -----Original Message-----
> From: Niels Barlach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 2:57 PM
> Subject: SV: installing Tomcat on Apache 1.3.20 /win2000
> > Hi
> > I've installed Apache 1.3.20 on a win2000 pc and it works
> > fine. Now i want
> > Tomcat on it aswell. But the modules in Apache 1.3.20 (and
> > 2.0) are *.so
> > files and the mod_jk from Tomcat (win binaries)is a *.dll
> > file ?!?! I can't
> > find any howto's that describes installing Tomcat any other
> > way than with
> > the *.dll.
> > Is there anybody who knows how to install Tomcat on the
> > latest Apache on a
> > Win2000 ?? Or do i have to install an old Apache that uses 
> modules in
> > *.dll??
> >
> >
> > Niels Barlach
> >
> >
> Don't worry about it, just drop in the mod_jk.dll into the
> %APACHE_HOME%\modules and follow the mod_jk-howto.html as it is.
> I have the exact same setup on one of the machines and it
> works like a charm.
> Regards,
> Emir.
> but when i do that it comes with an error msg saying "failed starting
> Apache" And something about it not being EAPI ?
> -Niels

OK, I have Apache 1.3.20 and Tomcat 3.2.1 on a stock Windows 2000 machine
(no SPs).

First thing you do is test them each individually to see if they're both
functional.  Start Apache, go to and see if you get the
Apache welcome page.  Stop Apache.  Now start-up Tomcat, go to and see if you get the Tomcat welcome page.  Stop

By now, your Tomcat start-up would have created a "mod_jk.conf-auto" so all
you do is include it in your Apache's httpd.conf
(%APACHE_HOME%\conf\httpd.conf).  Simply add the following line (no quotes):
"include %TOMCAT_HOME%/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto".  Caveats:

1. The word "include" must be lowercase (don't ask why, it just doesn't work
if you capitalise it)
2. Replace %TOMCAT_HOME% with full path, e.g.
3. Yes, these are *forward* slashes (/), not the backslashes (\) as is
common on Windows

When you're done with this and it works fine, let me know and I'll tell you
how to further ease your life with a few automations for startup/shutdown.
Until then



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            the personal opinion of the author, i.e. myself. Under no
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