All the stuff from the last status update is still standing.  :)

Here's what I've been up to since then::
    - Tests are being run nightly, you can see the output at  Now we're on the hook the write good

    - Demos site moved from to

    - I updated the frontpage documentation for tw2.core and corrected/added
      tutorials for tw2-standalone, tw2 with turbogears, and tw2 with pyramid.
      I also added an extra section that shows how to use
      tw2.jqplugins.jqgrid.SQLAjqGridWidget in each case.  Also added external
      links to my tutorials.

    - Bugfixes
      - Fixed sundry bugs in tw2.sqla
      - Changed the way tw2.sqla looks for the sqlalchemy session for
        compatibility with pyramid.
      - Exposed useful stuff at a 'lower' namespace in tw2.jquery.
      - Applied Teemu's Cache-Control patch for tw2.core

    - Enhancements
      - Resource dependencies.  You can now specify something like::

            foo = twc.JSLink(...)
            bar = twc.JSLink(..., resources=[foo])

        and `foo` will be included on the page before `bar`.  Crucial.

      - tw2.devtools craziness.  Put options in place now to scrape bitbucket
        and github for commits and pypi for downloads.  It is disabled by
        default and controlled with command line switches.  This is viewable

      - New package: tw2.rrd -- the example is
        down, but you can see it in action on another project at  If you do round-robin database stuff
        anywhere, it might be useful for you.

I would really appreciate::
      - Some +1's from people to do minor releases of tw2.core, tw2.sqla, and
        tw2.jquery.  The pypi versions currently break the tests of other

        I have the rights to do this, but would like to first put it to all of

      - A sphinx-build/push of the documentation changes to the
        site, please.

Here's what next to do::
      - ``archive_tw_resources`` and ``aggregate_tw_resources`` paster commands.
        This is a blocker for production for a lot of people.

      - More test coverage.

      - Client side validation.  Should we use jquery here?

      - Authorization hooks.

I don't call dibs on any of those.  I'm having a baby in a month!  :)


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