I've removed all the old WM stuff and created a new Scheduler UI based
upon the new Model 2+1.  

In creating the new UI, I left a place holder to add the UserAdmin stuff
in if we want.  I also added a pre-configured Turbine properties file
in the conf directory.  This is only there to help new user get started
with the WM stuff quicker (see getting_started.html) .   

With the new Scheduler UI, users should be able to setup Turbine and 
see a small example of the power of Model 2+1 fairly fast.  

If you are a SourceExchange "lurker" you'll notice that the Scheduler
UI looks similar.  Yes, I stole the color scheme and layout.  But I did
this to give the new UI a decent look and because I didn't want to get
wrapped up in page authoring.  If you have an itch to change it or have
an idea for a better look - go for it.  

As I've mentioned several times before - We sure could use a cool
Turbine logo to add to the UI.  If your a graphics person, your input
on this would be appreciated!

One last thing, don't forget to run -P with your CVS update to prune the
directories that have been removed.


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