The TemplateInfo stuff is updated in the CVS.
This should help "merge" some of the duplication of code between
the FreeMarker & WM.  It also has cleaned up  the code a little and
gave the Template system it's own Hashtable.

I've also added 2 new props in the TurbineResources file.  So make sure you check out 
a fresh copy
of that. 

Next on the list:
** Move the parseTemplatePath() to a utility file that can be used by
   both FM & WM and the WMNavigation.
** Added caching for looking up screens and layouts.

Here's my quick plan for that in case anyone has any ideas.
1. Create a CacheTemplate object that will go into the GlobalCache.
It will map a the requested template to a Screen and Layout.
2. Here's the flow:
    - Request comes in for a Template.
     - Look in the GlobalCache. If not in the Cache,
     - Get it the normal way 
     - then stuff the Screen and Layout information in the CacheTemplate. 
        put in the GlobalCache.

Provide a props key for configuring the expiration time.  


< your inspirational quote here > 

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