
an issue with the updated CSRF protection was introduced in RC2, which
is why you cannot login to TYPO3 with this snapshot.

We already have this fixed in current SVN trunk, and will be adding some
more minor fixes during the next few hours, so that we'll come up with a
RC3 in about 8 hours from now.

Thanks for your patience, testing and reporting of issues!


Ernesto Baschny schrieb am 25.01.2011 11:42:
> Hi dear friends,
> Today the TYPO3 community released the second and last release candidate
> (RC2) of TYPO3 4.5. This represents a final rehearsal for the final
> release of tomorrow.
> We appreciate your help in testing this version, so that we can make
> sure to deliver a final bugfree final release (4.5.0) tomorrow.
> The release plan for 4.5, previous release notes and the schedule are
> detailed in the project wiki on forge. For details about this particular
> release, please read up on:
> * http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v45-projects/wiki/TYPO3_450rc2
> If you find issues, please report them through our bug tracker:
> * http://bugs.typo3.org
> For specific system extensions, please use these trackers:
> * Extbase / Fluid: http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-mvc/issues
> * New Linkvalidator:
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-linkvalidator/issues
> * Workspaces / Versioning:
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-workspaces
> * New Extension Manager: http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-em
> Downloads
> We have an introductionpackage which allows testing the new features
> right away on a fresh installation. Experienced users can of course opt
> to upgrade an existing installation to the new 4.5rc1 version, but
> keeping in mind that minor changes will still happen until the final
> release. Download the packages from:
> http://typo3.org/download/packages/
> MD5 checksums:
> 7df4f636dd2d75b69e3a025f16edb0b2  dummy-4.5.0rc2.tar.gz
> 69fcc5b4c94ba24b6dfb30dcfdbbbfc5  dummy-4.5.0rc2.zip
> 09dc103a6795664c6a1a7b7730724683  typo3_src-4.5.0rc2.tar.gz
> 3f227374f10adde49174c0173b04798b  typo3_src-4.5.0rc2.zip
> c348de30ef5efba614bb719d157166b6  typo3_src+dummy-4.5.0rc2.zip
> ad1290170035fc0b78f5950a5b3855be  introductionpackage-4.5.0rc2.tar.gz
> 66f2185b3e207a57508bb1baff1f4b4f  introductionpackage-4.5.0rc2.zip
> Cheers,
> Steffen Kamper (Technical Leader),
> Ernesto Baschny (Release Manager)

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