I'm not entirely sure what your use case is.  If you're running compute
functions on giant arrays then you will not get any parallelism.  Compute
functions do not, themselves, exploit parallelism.  Instead we normally
achieve parallelism in Acero by running batches through the compute
functions in parallel.  So, if you have a very large table, you would get
some parallelism by creating a plan with a table_source and a project
node.  The table source will peel off batches of size 1Mi (by default) and
run your expressions in parallel on those batches.  You could also do this
parallel slicing and function execution yourself without Acero.

However, you mention `sort_indices`, neither of which is a scalar function
(and thus can't be used in the project node), and not something that can
easily be computed with a divide-and-conquer fork join.  There is an
order_by node in Acero but it isn't terribly optimized.  It simply collects
all batches into one large chunked array and runs the sort_indices compute
function.  Parallel sorting is very much possible so there is definitely
room for improvement here.

 * We could make the sort_indices kernel itself take advantage of
parallelism.  This would be a little unique (kernel functions don't
traditionally take advantage of parallelism) but now that we are on C++17
this could be as simple as using STL's parallel stable_sort.
 * Another approach to modifying the sort_indices kernel could be to modify
the ChunkedArraySorter.  When sorting chunked arrays we sort each chunk
individually and then merge them.  The sorting of individual chunks is an
easily parallelizable thing but we do this serially today.
 * Or we could leave the sort_indices kernel alone and modify the order_by
node to sort in parallel and then merge instead of relying on a chunked
array compute kernel.

You also mention `take`.  This is another non-scalar function.  However, if
you have a large list of indices, you can probably implement a fork-join on
top of this yourself.  Then again, if I recall correctly, you are applying
many filters.  So it may be possible that you are only using `take`

On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 7:18 PM Surya Kiran Gullapalli <
suryakiran.gullapa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the reply and the suggestion on custom executor. I'll take a
> look at it.
> I was profiling my application (windows 10) which is dealing with millions
> of rows (roughly 10M) of data and I found some places where only a few cpus
> were engaged and the rest of them were sitting idle. On investigating
> further, I found out the time spent was in arrow compute calls (take,
> sort_indices etc). In fact out of 12 cores, only one core was doing work.
> The CPU thread count was showing 24 (12 * 2). So I'm trying to find out if
> there's any way I can improve the performance as my application is already
> using TBB for some tasks.
> Any pointers in this direction would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Surya
> On Sat, Apr 22, 2023 at 2:27 AM Weston Pace <weston.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> No, there's no build-time configuration settings to enable TBB
>> specifically.
>> You can, at runtime, specify a custom executor to use for most
>> operations.  We use one thread pool for CPU tasks and one for I/O tasks.
>> You could replace either or both with a TBB-based executor.
>> For example, the method for creating a CSV file is defined as:
>> ```
>> static Future<std::shared_ptr<StreamingReader>> MakeAsync(
>>   io::IOContext io_context, std::shared_ptr<io::InputStream> input,
>>   arrow::internal::Executor* cpu_executor, const ReadOptions&, const
>> ParseOptions&,
>>   const ConvertOptions&);
>> ```
>> The `cpu_executor` property specifies which thread pool to use for CPU
>> tasks.  The I/O executor is a part of the `io_context`.
>> The executor interface is pretty straightforward.  Hiding the utility
>> functions it is...
>> ```
>> class ARROW_EXPORT Executor {
>> public:
>>   virtual int GetCapacity() = 0;
>> protected:
>>   virtual Status SpawnReal(TaskHints hints, FnOnce<void()> task,
>> StopToken, StopCallback&&) = 0;
>> };
>> ```
>> It shouldn't be too much work to create a custom implementation based on
>> TBB.  Out of curiosity, what is the motivation for using TBB?
>> -Weston
>> On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 11:04 AM Surya Kiran Gullapalli <
>> suryakiran.gullapa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm curious to know if c++ sdk of arrow compute functions can use tbb
>>> parallelization underneath ?
>>> The documentation mentions that arrow uses a threadpool for
>>> parallelization. Does compute functions also use threadpool and parallelize
>>> computation ?
>>> Looking at the .so file created I do not see tbb library as a dependency
>>> for arrow library.
>>> Is there a configuration variable during build which can activate this ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Surya

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