Hello, I have a question about using the cached data in memory via centralized 
cache management. I cached the data what I want to use through the CLI (hdfs 
cacheadmin -addDirectives ...).Then, when I write my mapreduce application, how 
can I read the cached data in memory? Here is the source code from my mapreduce 
application.    System.out.println("Ready for loading customer table from 
Centralized Cache in DataNode");   System.out.println("Connecting HDFS... at " 
+ hdfsURI.toString());   DFSClient dfs = new DFSClient(hdfsURI, new 
Configuration());   CacheDirectiveInfo info =      new 
CacheDirectiveInfo.Builder().setPath(new Path("path in HDFS for cached 
data")).setPool("cache").build();   CacheDirectiveEntry cachedFile = 
dfs.listCacheDirectives(info).next();   System.out.println("We got cachedFile! 
ID: " +    cachedFile.getInfo().getId() + ", Path: " + 
cachedFile.getInfo().getPath() + ", CachedPool: " + 
cachedFile.getInfo().getPool());      System.out.println("Open DFSInputStream t
 o read cachedFile to ByteBuffer");   DFSInputStream in = 
dfs.open(cachedFile.getInfo().getPath().toString());   ElasticByteBufferPool 
bufPool = new ElasticByteBufferPool();   ByteBuffer buf = 
ByteBuffer.allocate(10000);   System.out.println("Generating Off-Heap 
ByteBuffer! size: " + buf.capacity());   in.read(buf);   buf.flip(); // Flip: 
ready for reading data after writing data into buffer   
System.out.println("Zero-Copying cached file into buffer!");  
Is it right source code for using the centralized cache management feature?

// Yoonmin Nam

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