Re: Odd error when using a rdd map within a stream map

2014-09-19 Thread Filip Andrei
Hey, i don't think that's the issue, foreach is called on 'results' which is a DStream of floats, so naturally it passes RDDs to its function. And either way, changing the code in the first mapper to comment out the map reduce process on the RDD Float f = 1.0f; // FunctionNeuralNet,

Ensuring object in spark streaming runs on specific node

2014-08-29 Thread Filip Andrei
Say you have a spark streaming setup such as JavaReceiverInputDStream... rndLists = jssc.receiverStream(new JavaRandomReceiver(...)); NeuralNetMapper(...)) .foreach(new JavaSyncBarrier(...)); Is there any way of ensuring that, say, a JavaRandomReceiver and

Developing a spark streaming application

2014-08-27 Thread Filip Andrei
Hey guys, so the problem i'm trying to tackle is the following: - I need a data source that emits messages at a certain frequency - There are N neural nets that need to process each message individually - The outputs from all neural nets are aggregated and only when all N outputs for each message