saveToCassandra doesn't overwrite column

2016-02-10 Thread Hudong Wang
Hi, This is really weird. I checked my code that I only have List[Boolean] of 7 items, the default behavior should be overwrite. I even added overwrite after the column name in SomeColumns definition but result still shows List<<77>>, etc. It seems that in some way it ignores overwrite and just

consumergroup not working

2015-12-03 Thread Hudong Wang
Hi, I am trying to read data from kafka in zookeeper mode with following code. val kafkaParams = Map[String, String] ( "zookeeper.connect" -> zookeeper, "" -> brokers, "" -> consumerGroup, "auto.offset.reset" -> autoOffsetReset) return

Any workaround for Kafka couldn't find leaders for set?

2015-11-23 Thread Hudong Wang
Hi folks, We have a 10 node cluster and have several topics. Each topic has about 256 partitions with 3 replica factor. Now we run into an issue that in some topic, a few partition (< 10)'s leader is -1 and all of them has only one synced partition. Exception in thread "main"