Hi, guys

I have another problem about spark yarn.
Today, i was running start-all.sh when i found only two worker in the Web Ui, and in fact, I have four nodes.
The only display of the two nodes, one is master, one is slave2.
the '/etc/hosts' file is show below:

/       localhost//
//   master//
// s1//
//   s2//
//  s3/

So, I'm going to see the spark log on slave1 and slave3.
The slave2 log is show below:

16/06/13 03:38:00 INFO util.Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkWorker' on port 39887.

And the slave1 or slave3 log is same:

16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1. 16/06/13 03:38:00 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. Attempting port 1.

So, I think the problem lies in this util.Utils.
I search through Google, but there is no answer to this problem.
Now how to bind the sparkWorker port?


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