Sparkstreaming not consistently picking files from streaming directory

2016-08-03 Thread ravi.gawai
I am using spark streaming for text files. I have feeder program which moves files to spark streaming directory. while Spark processing particular file at the same time if feeders puts another file into streaming directory, sometimes spark does not pick file for processing. we are using

JavaStreamingContext nullpointer exception while fetching data from Cassandra

2015-11-21 Thread ravi.gawai
want to read file data and check if file line data is present in Cassandra if it's present then needs to merge otherwise fresh insert to C*. File data just contains name,address in json format, in Cassandra student table have UUID as primary key and there is secondry index on name Once data is

Spak filestreaming issue

2015-11-13 Thread ravi.gawai
Hi, I am trying simple file streaming example using Sparkstreaming(spark-streaming_2.10,version:1.5.1) public class DStreamExample { public static void main(final String[] args) { final SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf(); sparkConf.setAppName("SparkJob");

Re: Filter RDD

2015-10-20 Thread ravi.gawai
you can use mapfunction.. This is java example.. final JavaRDD rdd1 = sc.textFile("filepath").map((line) -> { //logic for line to product converstion}); Product class might have 5 attributes like you said class Product{ String str1; int i1; String str2; int i2; String str3; // with getter