Apache Toree is a kernel for the Jupyter Notebook platform providing
interactive and remote access to Apache Spark.

The Apache Toree community is pleased to announce the release of Apache
Toree 0.2.0-incubating which provides various bug fixes and the following

   * Support Apache Spark 2.x codebase including Spark 2.2.2
   * Enable Toree to run in Yarn cluster mode
   * Create spark context lazily to avoid long startup times for the kernel
   * Properly cleanup of temporary files/directories upon kernel shutdown
   * %AddJAR now supports HDFS file format
   * %AddDEP now defaults to default configuration
   * Cell Interrupt now cancel running Spark jobs and works in background
   * Support configurable alternative interrupt signal via
--alternate-sigint command line
   * Interpreters now have the ability to send results other than text/plain

For more information about Apache Toree and go download the latest release
go to:


For more information on how to use Apache Toree please visit our
documentation page:


Luciano Resende

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