There is a problem with killing jobs gracefully in spark 2.1.0 with enabled
I tested killing spark jobs in many ways and I got some conclusions.
1. With command spark-submit --master spark:// --kill driver-id
results: It killed all workers almost immediately
2. With api curl -X POST http://localhost:6066/v1/submissions/kill/driverId
results: the same like in 1. (I looked at code and it seems like
spark-submit calls just this REST endpoint)
3. With unix kill driver-process
results: it didn't kill the job at all

Then I noticed that I used param: --supervise so I repeated these all
tests. It turned out that 1 and 2 ways worked in the same way like before
but 3 option worked like I assumed. This mean, calling kill driver-process
job , it processed all messages which left and than turned down job
gracefully. It is of course some solution but quite inconvenient since I
must track machine with driver instead of using simple spark REST endpoint.

I have read many of issues posted on blogs and stackoverflow and a lot of
people struggle with this problem.

Is anybody able to explain me why there are so many issues regarding this
case and why 1 and 2 method works in different way than kill.

Kind Regards,
Mariusz Dubielecki

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